The Wenatchee Valley holds great fishing opportunity throughout much of the year. Generally about fifty percent of all fishing trips every year are within 25 minutes of Wenatchee.
Species targeted in this area include Chinook Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead, Sturgeon, Walleye and Bass.
Areas fished include Columbia River, Wenatchee River, Icicle River, Lake Wenatchee.
COLUMBIA RIVER: (dates are estimated)
Chinook Salmon: July 1st through Oct 1st
Sockeye Salmon: July 1st through August 31st
Coho Salmon: September 1st through October 1st
Steelhead: September 1st through March 1st
Sturgeon: January 1st through December 31st
Walleye: January 1st through December 31st
Bass: Small mouth & Largemouth February 1st- November 31st
WENATCHEE RIVER Fishing dates: (dates are estimated)
Chinook Salmon: July 1st through Oct 1st
Coho Salmon: September 1st through October 1st
Steelhead: September 1st through March 1st
ICICLCE RIVER Fishing dates: (dates are estimated)
Chinook Salmon: May 15th through July 31st
Coho Salmon: September 1st through October 1st
LAKE WENATCHEE Fishing dates: (dates are estimated)
Sockeye Salmon: JULY 15th through September 15th